The first set of links below will take you to the relevant work on the John Fletcher Site. You need to be logged in to the site.
All sound files are now stored on Dropbox. Read the notes on each page carefully. Some links take you directly to Dropbox, sometimes you need to click on the link that says "Click here for the sound files" to get there.
Note: You DO NOT need to " Join the Folder" or "Sign in" to DropBox to do this – you can just ignore those buttons and all the pop-ups that try to persuade you.
To listen to a sound file:
Click on the file (e.g. MP3) next to your voice partname. This opens a visual representation of the score in Dropbox, which moves across the screen when you use the PLAY button on the control panel at the bottom of the screen. This is very useful if you want to go over a particular section.
NOTE: The cogwheel button on the right hand end of the control panel allows you to play your part at half speed.
To download a soundfile:
Control-Click on a PC (Control-Click or Right-Click on a Mac) on the file (e.g. MP3) next to your voice partname; then choose "Download Linked File As..." or "Save As..." and pick a location on your hard drive.
About Copyrights:
Different works have different Copyright restrictions which are indicated. Please be sure to respect these.
Les Miserables
The Lord is My Shepherd
Myfanwy (Not on JF, see Other Parts for Rehearsal below)
In the bleak midwinter (R Walker Noel 62) (Not on JF, see Other Parts for Rehearsal below)
Still, still, still (Noel 194)
We wish you a merry Christmas (Noel 254)
Glory to God in the highest (Messiah)
All I want for Christmas is You
Mary's Boy Child
Mid-Winter (Chilcott)
O Holy Night (Rutter)
Sans Day Carol (Rutter)
Requiem (Mozart)
Click on the appropriate link for your voice to open it in a new tab and listen, or right-click to download.
Myfanwy S
Myfanwy A
Myfanwy T
Myfanwy B
Myfanwy Full
In the bleak midwinter (R Wlker, Noel 62)
In the bleak midwinter S
In the bleak midwinter A
In the bleak midwinter T
In the bleak midwinter B
In the bleak midwinter Full
Please report any mistakes or issues to Mike and Kathleen